Job-Turbo Campaign Week: New Paths to Vocational Integration

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The Job-Turbo campaign week will take place from 22 to 26 April. In this week, persons with a refugee background can learn more about their career opportunities in Germany and they can connect with employers looking for new employees. Throughout the country and together with the regional job centres, visits to companies and information events will be held, people can learn more about employment opportunities in different occupations and sectors.

And by the way - persons with a refugee background can now start work immediately after having completed their integration course provided they have basic German language skills and they can further improve their language skills by attending the new job-related language courses (Job-BSK) alongside work. Martin Lauterbach, responsible for job-related language courses at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), says: “The job-related language courses help to get started in a new job: They are flexible, short and workplace-related.”

You can find more information about the many job turbo activities of the job centres in the action calendar .