Did you acquire a degree outside of Germany and would like to find work in line with your degree and your qualifications in Germany? Then you can have your university degree officially reviewed and evaluated.
The Statement of Comparability is an official certificate that classifies your foreign university degree compared with the German education system. This means that the Statement of Comparability is an assessment determining to what extent your qualification is equivalent to a German university degree. When looking for work and at authorities, you can use the Statement of Comparability as proof of your qualification.
Yes, you can use the digital application that you can find on the website of the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB).
However, in all cases make use of the Pre-Check by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB). Here, you can find out whether you can apply for a Statement of Comparability for your university degree and which documents you need to submit..
The ZAB has an extensive FAQ section, where you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions. Go to the FAQs here.
The Statement of Comparability includes the following information:
The Statement of Comparability includes the following information:
Please note: The Statement of Comparability does not convert the grades you obtained for your degree and other grades.
Living, learning, working – depending on what you want to do in Germany, a Statement of Comparability for your foreign university degree can be necessary or useful. But it is not the right document for reaching all your goals. The website of the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) will tell you which goals the Statement of Comparability is suitable for and which offices you need to contact.