The registration and coordination office for the admission of children and youngsters from Ukrainian orphanages informs institutions, organizations, and private persons who organize the admission of evacuated children in care and orphans from Ukraine in Germany. This office provides information about the distribution process and the responsible offices in the federal states and provides the names of the relevant contact persons. If groups of Ukrainian children in care and orphans request themselves on their way to Germany, the registration office will also refer them to the responsible authorities. The SOS Kinderdorf e.V. operates a SOS Registration Office. Please call 0800 12 606 12 free of charge Tuesdays 9am-1pm or Thursdays 1-5pm.
Nationwide, around 500 Youth migration services support youngsters from Ukraine with advice and support on all questions relating to their integration. The focus is on language development, school, training, and work.
Since 27 April 2022, young refugees from Ukraine have been able to take advantage of government-funded German language courses through the 'Garantiefonds Hochschule' (Guarantee Fund for Higher Education), provided they have a residence title under Section 24 of the Residence Act. The programme is now also open to young refugees from other countries who have this residence title. The 'Guarantee Fund for Higher Education' supports young people up to the age of 30 who wish to take up or continue a degree course in Germany. Support is based on the integration language courses and provided in the form of tailored educational counselling and a scholarship. In addition to costs for living expenses and accommodation, the programme supports participation in:
Interested persons can contact the educational counselling centres of the Guarantee Fund (Bildungsberatungsstellen Garantiefonds Hochschule). Here you will receive qualified advice on all questions regarding the admission, continuation and recognition of your studies. An individual education plan will be drawn up together with you. You can make an appointment online or directly at one of the regional educational counselling centres Contact List GF-H counselling centres. Admission to the programme is only possible in connection with counselling and educational planning."
More on the topic of studies can be found here.
Multigenerational houses can be found nearly everywhere in Germany. In total, there are about 530 of those places for encounters promoting neighborly coexistence. Everyone is welcome – people of all ages with different cultural and religious backgrounds. They spend time together, learn from and with each other, are there for each other and shape “their” multigenerational house with a great deal of voluntary commitment. Those who would never have met in everyday life meet here – for example during a language course, the repair café or homework tutoring.
Multigenerational houses are firmly anchored in their municipalities and always close to what is happening. This is how unique offers for the locals can be created. Here are a few examples of what you can experience in the multigenerational house:
Please, find more information here: